Today at Apple

在线创意空间:跟着糖果猫猫Popil 创作 3D 老虎头像


4 月 30 日 星期六

11:00 – 12:30 (北京时间)

体验数字艺术创作,为你关心的议题发声。插画家糖果猫猫Popil 将分享她直击社会问题的 NFT 项目,并带你探索如何在创作中兼顾个性与多元化。利用她提供的模版,你将在 iPad 上用 Procreate 给 3D 老虎头像装点颜色和图案,最后将其变成一幅带有你个人表达的增强现实艺术作品。课程开始前,请将 iPad 升级到 iPad OS 14 或以上,Procreate 升级到 5.2 或以上。初学者建议先参加“艺术技巧:Procreate 使用入门”课程。

Get empowered to speak up for a social cause you are passionate about through a digital art experience. The Illustrator will share her NFT project targeting social issues, and guide you to explore how to show individuality and diversity in art creation. You will then use Procreate on iPad to color and decorate 3D tiger avatar with the template she provided, and turn it to an AR piece to express yourself. To join the session, pls upgrade to iPad OS 14 or above and Procreate to 5.2 or above. Beginners are suggested to take Art Skills: Getting Started with Procreate before this one.

Create your own 3D tiger with procreate

Follow Popil, Step by step, And learn 3D Design tiger from scratch! with Today Apple

Student Work Showcase